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Air / Water / Vapour Permeability Tester

Air Permeability Tester is used to measure the resistance of the flow of air through fabrics such as woven or non-woven textile materials as well as knitted clothes under a constant air pressure.

Geotextile Water Permeability Tester, to determine the constant-head water flow capacity (water permeability) within the plane of a geotextile or geotextile-related product, is measured under varying normal compressive stresses, typical hydraulic gradients and defined contact surface.

Water Vapour Permeability Tester, to determine the resistance of textiles and textile composites (particularly action wear fabrics) to water vapour penetration.

Permeability Tester complies with ASTM D737, ISO 9237/7231, BS 5636, ASTM D4716, ISO11058, ISO 8124-4, BS 3424/7209, etc.

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