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Vietnamese Customer Visit in April

On April 17, customers from Vietnam went on a half-day field trip to TESTEX. Our salesmen and technical engineers warmly hospitalized Mr. Wayne and Mr. Miko and explained a series of laboratory textile machines to them. Their visit to our factory is mainly to facilitate the cooperation between TESTEX and Kim Thinh co.Ltd and to purchase the Martindale machines, TESTEX is very honored to receive them.

In the lab, along with the explanations of engineers, Mr. Wayne and Mr. Miko showed great interest in our products. Among them, Martindale Abrasion and Pilling Tester is highlighted in these machines. The technical engineers showcased the parts and assembly, basic operation and data analysis of Martindale one by one. Mr. Wayne and Mr. Miko also raised questions and suggestions about our range of products, demonstrated their professionalism and had a pleasant technical exchange with our technical engineers.

TESTEX’s commitment to providing better services to customers around the world is deeply rooted in our corporate culture. Finding ways to support and assist customers, discovering new and efficient solutions and improving product quality is TESTEX’s unchanging goal.


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