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Palestinian Customer Visit In September

Palestinian Customer Visit in September

On Sept. 10, TESTEX welcomed a friend from Palestine. Mr. Salous is a uniform manufacturer and wanted to know some machines to help improve the quality of uniforms. We warmly invited him to visit our company…

Crumple Flex Tester TF117C

Crumple Flex Tester TF117C

Crumple Flex Tester is widely applicable to determine the degradation of water resistance of coated fabrics due to crumpling and Flexing in use. As we can see, it is necessary to test fabrics in terms of their ability to withstand repeated flexing without creating crackings. One of the machines available and used in such a test is the TESTEX Flex Cracking Tester. Crumple Flex Tester TF117C is a testing instrument with excellent equipment and a stable operation system at a reasonable price.

Hydrostatic Head Tester

Hydrostatic Head Tester

Hydrostatic Head Tester TF163C or hydrostatic pressure testing machine is used to measure the resistance of a fabric to the penetration of water under hydrostatic pressure. It is one of the hydro-testing machines, widely applied for determining the resistance of fabrics (canvas, coated fabrics, cover cloth, rainproof clothing fabrics, and geotextile materials) and films to water penetration under pressure. Hydrostatic Head Tester TF163C complies with testing standards like AATCC127, ATSC127-2008, EN 20811, ISO 811, etc. Please contact us for the Hydrostatic head test(water penetration test) procedure,and get the hydrostatic head tester price.Our hydrostatic tester for sale.
Schildknecht Flexing Tester TF117B

Schildknecht Flexing Tester TF117B

Schildknecht Flexing Tester is designed to determine the resistance of coated fabrics to damage by flexing due to oscillation at 500 times per minute. Accommodates 10 specimens, provided with a resettable electronic counter to record number of cycles. For testing the Compression-folding (Schildknecht) flex cracking resistance of medical protective clothing, if passed, a further test will go with TF163C Hydrostatic Head Tester, to pass the water penetration under pressure test.


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